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3 Pemuda Berbahaya

PopAsian Pop

About 3 Pemuda Berbahaya

3 Pemuda Berbahaya is a rising Indonesian pop group ready to take the music industry by storm!

List of 3 Pemuda Berbahaya's featurings

Anji, Rizky Febian & Tata Janeeta

3 Pemuda Berbahaya members' ages

3 Pemuda Berbahaya members are currently 27, 26 & 28 years old.

3 Pemuda Berbahaya's country of origin

3 Pemuda Berbahaya is from Indonesia.

3 Pemuda Berbahaya members' real names

3 Pemuda Berbahaya members' real names are Faris Yulanda, Ahmad Rifai & Syahrul Fahrezi.

The Success Story of 3 Pemuda Berbahaya