Hip HopContemporary Hip Hop
SadBoyProlific: rapper, producer, and songwriter.
<p>Bearded Legend</p><p>Iniasona</p><p>tomcbumpz</p><p>Ivri</p><p>Burgos</p><p>guardin</p>
SadBoyProlific is currently 23 years old.
SadBoyProlific is from United States.
SadBoyProlific is a Houston rapper, producer, and songwriter. He first began releasing his music on his SoundCloud page, but has since released music on many popular streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. His most listened to song is "Dead And Cold" has almost 200 million streams on Spotify. He is also one of the pioneers of the 'Lofi Rap' subgenre.
SadBoyProlific’s music is a unique blend of hip hop sounds with lofi undertones. He often experiments with different sounds and production techniques that give his songs their own unique flavor.
SadBoyProlific has worked with some of the coolest rising names in the genre like Bearded Legend, Burgos, screwyounick, guardin,Ivri, Sewerperson and many more.