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SF9 (에스에프나인)

PopAsian Pop

About SF9 (에스에프나인)

SF9, the South Korean 9-member boy group formed by FNC Entertainment. Check out their music and stories!

List of SF9 (에스에프나인)'s featurings

Cherry Bullet, AOA & KARD

SF9 (에스에프나인) members' ages

SF9 (에스에프나인) members are currently 24, 27, 27, 28, 26, 25, 24, 23 & 24 years old.

SF9 (에스에프나인)'s country of origin

SF9 (에스에프나인) is from South Korea.

SF9 (에스에프나인) members' real names

SF9 (에스에프나인) members' real names are Youngbin, Inseong, Jaeyoon, Rowoon, Taeyang, Dawon, Zuho, Hwiyoung & Chani.

The Success Story of SF9 (에스에프나인)