Hold Me

Alex Keeper

Hold Me

À propos du morceau

The "Waves" EP gravitates towards a feeling of nostalgia and hope. This set of 5 catchy chill house songs includes collaborations with LissA, Pierre Leck, and Ricca. "Waves" is an anthem to all bedroom producers who started out like Alex. As said in the lyrics: "I'm moved by waves, and pushed around. I'm going different ways, but I'll find mine". The artist explains it best by saying that "It's okay if you don't know exactly what you're doing, or where you're going, things will workout eventually". A message of hope and passion to anyone feeling behind in life. This feeling is illustrated in a music video, made with the GTS team and french film maker Tanguy Delavet, where it follows the adventure of a group of friends carefree, and living in the moment. A perfect representation of the whole EP, that will make you dive into Alex’s universe.


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Détails du morceau

  • Date de publication

    16 mai 2023
  • Durée

  • Taille du fichier

  • Blockchain

  • Adresse du contrat

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  • Creator revenues on resale
