Pillow Talk

Ana Antonova

Pillow Talk

À propos du morceau

Croatian artist Ana Antonova is bringing her first NFT track to Pianity. Romantic minimal track designed with amazing vibes that elegantly blend minimal beats with jazzy piano chords, ambient sounds and whispering vocals is perfect for introspective moments as well as for laid-back afterhours. Antonova is a pluviophile - a lover of rain, she enjoys working in her studio on rainy days and very often finishes her most gentle tracks on days like that. If you are keen to hear how romantic feels meets minimal groove this is a track for you.

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Ana Antonova



Détails du morceau

  • Date de publication

    7 novembre 2021
  • Durée

  • Taille du fichier

  • Blockchain

  • ID de transaction du mint

  • Creator revenues on resale

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