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Armonía 10


About Armonía 10

Armonía 10 is one of the most popular Bolivian music groups - listen to their latest hits now!

List of Armonía 10's featurings

Tinku, Los Kjarkas, Jaime Torres & Cecilia Todd

Armonía 10 members' ages

Armonía 10 members are currently 47, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44 & 44 years old.

Armonía 10's country of origin

Armonía 10 is from Peru.

Armonía 10 members' real names

Armonía 10 members' real names are José Luis Castillo, Ramiro Zorrilla, Gustavo Rondón, Juan Carlos Robles, Raul Vaca, Rene Galindo & Hernando Vaca.

The Success Story of Armonía 10