We are all Bill Bill is living on a planet from a galaxy from a universe of complexity he can't apprehend. Bill is a social animal. Bill cries, Bill love, Bill laugh, Bill is scared. Bill is hurting himself and others consciously and unconsciously. Bill has to deal with many emotions he doesn't understand. Bill learns by doing. Bill knows nothing. Bill is a grain of sand in History. Bill lives then dies. Doesn't matter how rich, famous and powerful you are. Doesn't matter how talented you are at escaping your Bill. In the end, we are all Bill. As much as life and death are one, every Bill comes with its Hades. In Greek mythology, Hades is the master of the underworld. "The underground Zeus". Thanks to his helmet he is the only one who can be invisible to the mortals and Gods. *"The keeper of the dead"* decides impartially who goes to hell or heaven. Hades is a figure of power. It's this power that Bill needs to find the energy to become, day after day, a better version of himself. To make his dreams reality, to master his craft. To learn by failing but never giving up. To move out from his comfort zone. To be curious, to have empathy. To be patient, to experiment, to listen. To question and reassess himself continuously. Like the Ying & the Yang, Bill & Hades are working hands in hands. Hades is also the ironic metaphor of Bill. Hades is ruling over a kingdom he didn't choose. His brother Zeus imposed him to rule the underworld while he took the Olympus. Hades is rather a good guy who does the best with the fate which fell to him as much as Bill with life. Bill & Hades is a metaphor of this duality we can find in ourselves, in life, and in the music of this album.