Epic Environment Portfolio

As global climate change is one of the greatest existential threats to current and future generations, advancing solutions for the planet is an end to itself and a natural evolution of our actions towards the wellbeing of children and youth. Epic is proud to launch its climate philanthropy portfolio, demonstrating unwavering support and trust in the transformative power of the organizations’ work

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Epic Environment Portfolio


ENVIRONMENT & FUTURE GENERATIONS PORTFOLIO Nonprofits worldwide are at the forefront of developing innovative solutions in biodiversity conservation, regenerative agriculture, nature based approaches, and clean energy. These pioneering initiatives possess the potential to effectively mitigate climate change, safeguard communities, and drive substantial global advancements. Epic has applied its proven rigorous selection and monitoring methodology to select the nonprofits which are doing cutting-edge work to curb climate change and protect the environment. Since 2022, we support: 3 organizations operating in 16 countries. BLUE VENTURES : Oceans are essential to life on Earth, producing 50% of our oxygen. Blue Ventures works to restore the world's ocean by putting conservation at the community level. Its mission is to rebuild tropical fisheries with coastal communities so that they can manage their natural resources effectively and protect marine life. JUSTDIGGIT : Justdiggit addresses the effects of climate change on communities and landscapes in sub- Saharan Africa by promoting practices that lead to ecosystem restoration. They train farmers and communities how to regreen in a quick, sustainable way. This improves livelihoods, and positively impacts biodiversity and climate change. SOLAR SISTER : Solar Sister empowers local women to become micro-entrepreneurs, delivering clean energy products (solar lamps, cookstoves, generators...) to last mile communities. The impact is two-fold: local women can generate income; and families are able to replace toxic and expensive kerosene and carbon emitting fuels with cheaper and cleaner renewable energy options.