Artist verifiedFANEL

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Much more than a radiant electro-pop music infused with Japanese culture, FANEL refuses to choose between her western indie pop background and her love for Japanese traditional music and culture. This perpetual dialogue, this syncretism between extreme technology and traditions, FANEL injects it in her music by the fusion of organic instruments (from Asia and Europe) and electronic textures, creating unique audio landscapes. She makes light of the languages, their rhythms and tones by singing in English, Japanese and sometimes in French. The one who can picture a western indie pop artist composing a soundtrack for a Ghibli movie may have a slight idea of what FANEL sounds. Her song Mén from her debut album Human recently featured the new MARVEL animated series HIT MONKEY. After 2 EPs, an album released in Nov 2019, over hundred of concerts in France, Japan and the UK, FANEL decided to build during the pandemic a new show with the Spanish photographer Joan Tomàs called THE THIN PLACE. A video-mapping live show celebrating their attachement to Okinawa and their perspective as European artists ; a place where two worlds meet. Solo on stage since 2023, FANEL offers a dancy and epic electronica. A One-woman-band that moves your feet and get your spirit on a trip.