Artist verifiedAkilbek Allan

Akilbek Allan (Allanazarov Akilbek, was born October 8, 1995, in Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan) — Musical artist, Songwriter and Music Producer.

Réseaux sociaux
Akilbek Allan


Akilbek Allanazarov born October 8, 1995, Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan, an ordinary family of teachers, Akilbek was fond of music since childhood, graduated from Berdakh secondary school in 2011, then entered the Nukus Economic College, majoring in law, graduated from college with honors, Akilbek is also known as a programmer and e-sportsman. I worked as a specialist lawyer in a government agency for 3 years. He began his musical career in 2022, the founder of the music label QarekenMusic inc.