Artist verifiedKooku

Having been part of the rave scene of the 90's, Kooku's productions fuse the uplifting, hands in the air vibes of that period with a modern and often melancholic twist. Spanning Melodic and Progressive House and Techno, Kooku likes to subvert and surpass musical expectations while still meeting the demands of the genre...and the dancefloor.

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Kooku was raised at a time when the electronic music scene was coming alive. Electro, Acid House, Rave...all influenced his developing mind and his taste for killer beats, thundering basslines, and melodies to die for. Despite this pedigree, Kooku only dabbled in music production on and off for years, preferring to stick to the dancefloor. However, when lockdown arrived Kooku found himself with the time and tools to begin learning music production. Avoiding online tutorials, Kooku is mostly self taught and within a year secured his first release with the Kismet EP on Redwave Recordings. It reached Number 7 in the Beatport Melodic House & Techno chart (Number 33 overall on the Top 100). He's since gone on to be a regular in the charts with releases on Always Music, Sound Optix, Layer Caked, Bbop, and forthcoming on Solardish. His style is driven by a love for the melodic and a passion for the progressive. What's more exciting, he's only just getting started...