Artist verifiedMathieu Saïkaly

Great explorer of music made from the heart and sometimes like a table

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Mathieu Saïkaly


Mathieu Saïkaly is an explorer. What stands out in his search are his atypical melodies and choice of arrangements in the french pop scene. From his debut on Youtube at age 17, then winning la Nouvelle Star (French Idol) at 20 years old, to his latest highly acclaimed a cappella videos on social media at 27, Mathieu has shaped a lot of different landscapes. For Mathieu, in whichever new musical world he dives into, the core goal remains the same : to capture his emotions in the most sincere way possible. Mathieu writes songs the way an Impressionist artist would create a painting, with layers of sound that are sometimes ethereal, sometimes raw. His wide vocal range is the palette of colors that he applies to capture the mood of his songs, seizing the nuanced, complex, and the in-between feelings that live within the human heart. Mathieu’s distinct guitar playing, shifting between smooth finger-picking and sharp strumming, are the brushstrokes that often appear to complete his sound.