Artist verifiedSacred Deer

Sacred Deer is creating a new type of record label, that will surprise and delight fans and enable independent artists to make a living.

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Sacred Deer


Sacred Deer is creating a new type of record label, that will surprise and delight fans and enable independent artists to make a living. Unclassified music. We are not trying to feed you with a specific music genre. We start with one release, and will explore organically from there. We will keep human connection and consistency between each release through collaboration. We are willing to release everything from classical music to hip hop through electronic music. But we will make sure you like (almost) everything we release, and can enjoy sober without a blasting sound system. A sustainable home for artists. We are looking to build long term relationships with artists and provide them with sustainable revenues thanks to a community of fans and followers, and innovative models (subscriptions, NFTs,...) We are treating artists well. We are organized, reliable and approachable. We are honest, give them constructive feedback and help them in their journey. We make sure they don't feel lonely.