Artist verifiedSeletor Chico

Seletor Chico is a project aimed at low rotations, created by music producer Victor Chico. This project aims to show the public its musical universe, presenting some of the sounds that it has been producing and collecting for over 15 years. Currently, the artist releases his productions in Núcleo Gatopardo Label, which also works as a cultural producer.

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Seletor Chico


Seletor Chico is a project aimed at low rotations, created by music producer Victor Chico, this project aims to show the public its musical universe, presenting some of the sounds that it has been producing and collecting for over 15 years. Victor Chico lives in Curitiba, the town in south from Brazil, where he studied music at university and where his music production studio is located. It is also from Brazil that come most of his musical and artistic influences when he is creating his compositions.