Girl I


À propos du morceau

A long, long time ago in a luminescent galaxy... After leaving the wicked planet Klendathu, a robotic dancer duo fly toward a distant speck. The speck gradually resolves into a pulsating disco. A massive dance battle strikes in waves across the galaxy, which is ruled by the metallic fists of Golgotha Bior, a powerful robot capable of slaying all others on the dancefloor. Emboldened, a newly minted robot known as Alonia Khan flees the Empire, with her protector, Luka Lak-e-tronic. They head for Truro on the planet Dagobah. When they finally arrive, a dance battle breaks out. Lak-e-tronic uses her luminescent skates to thrash a series of wicked moves in protective circles around Alonia. Lak-e-tronic and Alonia decide it's time to leave Dagobah and steal a gunner hovercraft to shoot their way out. They encounter a tribe of disco witches. Lak-e-tronic is attacked and Alonia is captured by the witches and taken back to Truro. Lak-e-tronic must dance to save Alonia but when she accidentally unearths a wormhole to the biggest party in the universe, the entire future of the luminescent galaxy hangs in the balance. Music by Frankie Vega and Maziar Namvar Mix and mastering by Tim Vitek Story by Maziar Namvar


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Crédits et répartition des revenus

Fresh Meat Records



Audio Soul Project



Frankie Vega



Détails du morceau

  • Date de publication

    7 octobre 2022
  • Durée

  • Taille du fichier

  • Blockchain

  • ID de transaction du mint

  • Creator revenues on resale
