Being with you

Blossom Club

Being with you

À propos du morceau

Blossom Club is the garden of Foxglove and Azalée, two artists named after flowers. The Parisian-based duo was formed shortly after the musicians’ first encounter at music school in late 2020. Inspired by 80s pop-soul and current synth-pop, Blossom Club's pop questions our relationship to self and reality with groovy bass lines. Their first 6-track EP is scheduled for early November 2022. The second title Being with you, is characterised by its deep, sensual bass line, and r&b inspired vibe - it's an invitation to dance. It tells the story of a romantic encounter in an era dominated by technology, where relationships happen in the virtual world. Some people are meant to be, but what if this connection is just too good to be true?


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Crédits et répartition des revenus

Blossom Club



Détails du morceau

  • Date de publication

    3 octobre 2022
  • Durée

  • Taille du fichier

  • Blockchain

  • ID de transaction du mint

  • Creator revenues on resale
