Wareika - Look At Us From Space

À propos du morceau

L.E.T 10 YRS VA (NFT Exclusive) = Les enfants terribles One decade has passed since we started our journey with our central vision of building a strong creative collective with likeminded people from all over the globe. We are thrilled to look back to 10 years of high-quality music, mesmerizing and unforgettable raves and especially the deep human connections that have evolved and are still evolving. Thank you so much for your unconditional love and support! In order to celebrate this incredible milestone, we wanted to do something special and we’re more than happy with the outcome. Big thanks to all the lovely and talented artists that participated and shaped our 10 years L.E.T VA to a very unique album that truly reflects our vision of excellent music

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Avantages exclusifs

En acquérant n'importe quelle édition de ces raretés tu débloqueras également les avantages correspondants

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Détails du morceau

  • Date de publication

    3 septembre 2021
  • Durée

  • Taille du fichier

  • Blockchain

  • ID de transaction du mint

  • Creator revenues on resale
