What's the Bliss?


What's the Bliss?

À propos du morceau

'What's the Bliss?' was released on Nakama's second EP, The People Around You. Written on electric bass, Dur (bass) created this track for his wife, Shelbi. The chordal bass part peppers in Jaco-esque harmonics to create a blissful landscape of calm, along with sentimental piano, atmospheric guitar layers, and sparse, tasteful drumming. What's the Bliss? is a question about existence... What is our 'Bliss' at any given point in time? What are the moments, events, or relationships that give us the deepest sense of meaning? Our bliss evolves, like us...with us... And hopefully, we can all find some bliss, and breath, from time-to-time... To center ourselves...in the whirlwind of life. **Credits** Ian Mayer - Guitar Adam Nash - Keyboards Sal Galati - Drums David Rosen - Bass Tom Conran - Recording/Mix Engineer Ryan Schwabe - Mastering Engineer Ben McGuinn - Chom Guy Taylor Curry - Artwork


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Détails du morceau

  • Date de publication

    27 juin 2022
  • Durée

  • Taille du fichier

  • Blockchain

  • ID de transaction du mint

  • Creator revenues on resale
