Shika Shika

Black Catbird

À propos du morceau

The video for "Black Catbird", made by Mexico's Casiopea collective is inspired by Mexico's strong textile tradition, presenting us with a tapestry of colour and sound being weaved together. The first part of the story begins with a reference to the traditional "camino de mesa", referencing the colours and natural dyes of these textiles. The vertical threads weave together vegetation and snapshots of the threatened birds featured on the album from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. The representation of these species, their songs and their stories are paralleled by the traditions which is also under threat. The piece ends with an eye representing rebirth and how all these threads are part of something much "A Guide to the Birdsong of Mexico, Central America & the Caribbean” is the second Volume in the series following on from "A Guide to the Birdsong of South America", originally released on Robin's label Rhythm and Roots. Volume I raised nearly 15,000 USD for two birding organisations and featured artists like Nicola Cruz, Dengue Dengue Dengue and Chancha Via Circuito.

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Shika Shika



Détails du morceau

  • Date de publication

    13 juillet 2021
  • Taille du fichier

  • Blockchain

  • ID de transaction du mint

  • Creator revenues on resale
