Yopi Handi

Nusantara Chilling

À propos du morceau

In real life sanity, experience is a teacher. As we think, our knowledge and skills grow. Every human being who wishes to change must seek God's solution in life. For a long time, the remaining files were difficult to locate, but this was not an impediment; the real impediment was laziness, and fighting laziness was my personal struggle. Finally, as I reflect on the events surrounding the creation of this album, the beautiful and bitter memories are mixed together. I just enjoy life because it is a collection of experiences.


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Crédits et répartition des revenus

Yopi Handi



Détails du morceau

  • Date de publication

    25 mai 2023
  • Durée

  • Taille du fichier

  • Blockchain

  • Adresse du contrat

  • ID de transaction du mint

  • Creator revenues on resale
