Artist verifiedMuLabs

bioNFT’s: Biodata for creative media and arts

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MuLabs is an emerging Portuguese company that links brain technology with concept design, user centered approach, creative technologies, prototyping and business innovation. This collective is the integration of a new transdisciplinar field of research in mental-health, media and neurotechnology named "brain transmedia interaction". Our core paradigm is the Neurofeedback model of accessing and processing the brain information in real-time and feeding it into a digital or physical interface so the user can have access to its own brain data, learn with it, modulate it and even monetise with it. We usually work as a transversal group in collaborative projects in the field of the arts, design, education, clinical/wellbeing, consultancy and biodata. All areas that somehow need consultancy, validation or R&D in the sector of neurotechnology, biometrics and blockchain. After these collaborations the outcomes are usually: market-ready products; prototypes; concepts for tools, methodologies or ideas; performances; installations; further co-labs and events. We use art to communicate our vision and technology to support our mission: to improve mental-health and promote transformation